We offer our distinctive expertise 

from business inception to expansion

비즈니스 시작부터 

성장하는 단계까지

우리만의 노하우를 


Our Services


펍스케일 회계법인은 M&A 자문을 통해 기업이 합병과 인수와 같은 결정을 내리기 전에 필요한 전문가의 지식과 전략을 제공합니다. 재무, 법률, 시장 분석 등 다양한 측면을 철저하게 평가하여 기업이 합병 및 인수를 어떻게 진행할지, 장단점은 무엇인지에 대한 명확한 인사이트를 제공하고 조언합니다. 이를 통해 기업은 합병 및 인수와 같은 중요한 전략 결정을 내릴 때 전문적인 지식과 신뢰성 있는 정보를 토대로 더 나은 선택을 할 수 있습니다.

Q. M&A 프로세스는 어떻게 되나요?
우선  고객사와의 미팅을 통해 회사의 강점을 이해하고 M&A 전략을 수립합니다. 그리고 회사의 강점과 Upside Point를 발굴하여 회사의 가치를 극대화합니다. 이후 IM 작성부터 네트워킹을 활용한 인수자 탐색, 협상, 실사 대응 및 딜 마무리까지의 모든 업무를 진행합니다.

Q. 중소형 회사도 M&A가 가능한가요?
실제로 매출 규모가 작거나 인력이 적은 회사도 M&A가 가능합니다. 그러나 일반적으로 중소형 회사의 M&A는 그 규모가 작아 대형회계법인에서는 충분한 리소스를 투입하지 않습니다. 로컬 회계법인의 경우 전문성이 부족해 만족스러운 서비스를 제공하지 못하는 경우가 많습니다. 우리는 스타트업이 제대로 가치를 인정받고 성공적인 Deal을 만들 수 있도록 역량을 발휘합니다.

Q. 회사의 가치는 어떤 식으로 평가되나요?
회사를 M&A하기 위해서는 잠재적 인수자를 설득할 수 있어야 합니다. 회사의 과거 숫자 뿐만 아니라 사업계획에 근거한 미래 숫자를 산출하고 전문가의 관점에서 재무적 Upside를 진단합니다. 유사 사례를 검토하고 EBITDA에 배수를 적용하거나 DCF 등의 방법을 종합적으로 검토하여 잠재적 인수자를 설득할 수 있는 최선의 가치를 산출합니다.

Q. 보안유지는 잘 되나요? 
회사의 M&A 과정에서는 보안에 특별한 주의가 필요합니다. 잠재인수자와 NDA(비밀유지약정서)를 작성하고 M&A를 진행합니다. 또한 M&A가 진행되는 과정에서도 회사 내부에도 보안이 철저하게 유지될 수 있도록 모든 단계에 신중함을 기합니다.

Q. 투자 실사는 어떻게 진행되나요?
잠재인수자와 M&A에 대해 구체적으로 협상이 되면 인수 계약서를 작성하기 전 잠재적 리스크를 최소화 하기 위한 실사를 진행하게 됩니다. 회사는 통상적으로 영업실사, 법률실사, 재무실사, 세무실사를 받게 되며, 전문가의 지원을 받아 실사에 필요한 자료만 Data room을 만들어 외부 실사팀에 제공합니다. 이후 질의 응답 등 실사 대응까지 지원합니다.

Q. 회사를 인수했어요, 인수 후 작업도 지원되나요?
좋은 회사를 저렴한 가격에 인수했다고 하더라도 인수 후 회사가 성장하지 못하면 성공적인 M&A라고 볼 수 없습니다. 좋은 M&A는 인수 후 통합(PMI)가 매우 중요합니다. 펍스케일은 재무회계 아웃소싱 서비스를 통해 회사의 예산 실적관리, 재무적 관점에서 회사의 성장을 위한 의사결정 지원 등 CFO 역할을 해드립니다.


회사가 성장에만 집중할 수 있도록, 

우리는 전문적인 비즈니스 서비스를 제공합니다.

Article 1 Consent to Collection of Personal Information and Collection Method
< The name of a company or website > (“URL” hereinafter “Website”) shall establish a procedure for allowing customers to click the button “Agree” to the terms of use, collection of personal information, and details of personal information used. Customers shall be deemed to have agreed to the collection and use of their personal information by clicking the “Agree” button.

Article 2 Personal Information Items Collected and Purpose of Using Personal Information
“Personal Information” means information on living persons and refers to their names, resident registration numbers, or any other information that identifies such persons. (Even if such information alone cannot identify a certain person, such information that can be easily combined with other information and be used to identify such a person.)

The Website has the following purposes for collecting and using customers’ personal information:

Personal information of general members
- Time of collection: Signing up for membership
- Mandatory collection items: ID, password, e-mails, names *required to be revised*
- Optional collection items: Profile images, date of birth, telephone number, address *required to be revised*
- Purpose of using personal information: Signing up for membership, customer consulting for the use of services, and delivery of notices
- Retention period: Immediately deleted upon withdrawal of membership or retained for five (5) years for purchasing members

Order information (including members and non-members)
- Time of collection: Upon placing orders
- Mandatory collection items: Information of customers placing orders (name, address, telephone, and e-mail), information on recipient (name, address, telephone), payment approval information
- Optional collection items: Delivery of messages
- Purpose of using personal information: Payment and delivery of ordered products
- Retention period: Retained for five (5) years

Article 3 Collection of Personal Information via Cookies
The Website may install and operate cookies that store and frequently retrieve customers’ information. A cookie means a small amount of text files that a website sends to users’ computer browsers (Internet Explorer, and others)
1) Purposes of using cookies
- Providing differentiated information, depending on individuals’ interests
- Analyzing the access frequency or staying time of users, identifying users’ tastes and interests, and using them for target marketing and as a measure for service improvement
- Tracing the information on items purchased and items to which users pay attention, and providing tailor-made services
2) Operation of cookies and rejection of cookiesCookies are stored at the hard disk of users’ computers. Cookies identify users’ computers but do not personally identify users.
In addition, customers may accept or reject all cookies, or go through checks whenever cookies are stored by changing settings on their web browser.
However, if customers refuse to store cookies, they may not use some services that require them.
3) Method for changing settings to reject cookies
A. Internet Explorer
Directly change settings by clicking Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information tab on the upper menu of a web browser
B. Chrome
Directly change settings by clicking Menu icon on the upper right bar of a web browser >Settings > Advanced Settings on the bottom of the screen > Contents Setting button on Personal Information section > Cookies section

Article 4 Periods of Retaining and Using Personal Information and Destruction of Personal Information
1) Customers’ personal information shall be destroyed without any delay after the purposes of collection and use of their personal information have been fulfilled. However, if customers’ personal information needs to be retained for a certain period of time for the following purpose of verifying transaction parties’ rights and obligations in accordance with provisions of relevant statutes, such as the Protection of Consumers in e-commerce and Other Transactions Act, such information shall be retained for the specified period:
A Article 6 of the Protection of Consumers in e-commerce and Other Transactions Act
- Records on contracts or withdrawal of offers: Retained for five (5) years
- Records on payments and the supply of goods: Retained for five (5) years
- Records on the resolution of customers’ complaints or disputes: Retained for three (3) years
B Article 15.2 of the Protection of Communication Secrets Act
- Log-in records: Retained for three (3) months
C Other related statutes
2) The Website shall destroy personal information in the following manner.
A. Destruction procedure-The information entered for membership sign-up shall be transferred to a separate database (in case of information on paper, a separate filing cabinet), stored for a certain period of time in accordance with internal guidelines and other relevant statutes, and then destroyed.
- The above personal information shall not be used for any purposes other than for the purposes stipulated by law.
B. Destruction methods-Personal information printed out on paper shall be destroyed by shredding or burning. - Personal information in electronic file format shall be entirely destroyed by technological methods so that they may not be restored or regenerated.
3) The Website shall give dormant members (who have not used services for the last twelve (12) months) a notice on the forfeiture of membership in accordance with Article 29.2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. If such members fail to reply to such a notice, they may be considered to have forfeited their membership at the Website’s discretion. In such a case, dormant members’ personal information may be stored and managed separately from other members’ personal information. Such personal information that is separated and stored shall be destroyed after the lapse of the statutory retention period. In case a customer makes a request, then such a customer’s personal information that is not destroyed shall be made available again at the time of resuming the use of services.

Article 5 Provision of Personal Information for Third Parties
1) The Website shall neither use customers’ personal information nor provide such information for other persons, companies, and institutions beyond the scope of Article 1 above (Personal Information Items Collected and Purpose of Using Personal Information).
2) The following cases are exceptions.
A. When customers’ personal information is required by relevant institutions for investigative purposes in accordance with relevant statutes
B. When customers’ personal information is provided in a form that cannot identify certain individuals for advertisers, suppliers, or research organizations to compile statistics or conduct academic or market research
C. When customers’ personal information is requested in accordance with pre-determined procedures under other relevant statutesEven if personal information is provided in accordance with the foregoing, we do our best to ensure that such information is not indiscriminately provided against the original purpose of collection and use of such information.

Article 6 Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
The Website outsources the processing of users’ personal information to outside professional organizations as follows for the smooth conduct of businesses, such as provision of better services and customers’ convenience.
- Delivery of ordered products: OO Delivery Service *required to be revised*
- Establishing and maintaining computer systems: Hosting companies *required to be revised*
- Delivery tracking system service: Goodsflow Inc.
- Payment and escrow service: PG *required to be revised*
- Self-authentication, i-PIN service: Dream Security Inc.
※ The information shared with outsourcing companies shall be limited to the minimum information required to fulfill the original purpose of outsourcing. In addition, optional personal information is provided for outsourcing companies at the request of customers for services.
※ The list of outsourcing companies may be subject to change, depending on changed services and contractual periods. Any change in this list shall be announced in advance via notices. Customers participating in short-term events shall be individually notified of such events.

Article 7 Access and Modification of Personal Information

1) Customers may access or modify their personal information registered at the Website at any time. Customers may click the Change Members’ Information menu and directly access or modify their personal information. They may also request for such access or modification by sending e-mails or written requests to a chief privacy officer or a personal information handling employee at the Website. Then, the Website shall take relevant measures without any delay.
2) If customers demand the correction of any errors in their personal information, such personal information shall be neither used nor provided by the Website until such errors have been corrected.
3) If incorrect personal information has been already provided for any third party, then the Website shall immediately notify such third party of the result of correction of this information and have this third party also modify the information.

Article 8 Withdrawal of Consent to Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information
1) Customers may withdraw their consent to the collection, use, and provision of their personal information that is made available when signing up for membership at any time. They may do so by clicking Withdrawal of Consent (Membership) in the Personal Information Management Menu on the initial landing page of the Website. They may also do so by contacting the chief privacy officer of the Website in writing, by telephone, or through e-mail. Then, the Website shall immediately take necessary measures, such as deletion of personal information. The Website shall immediately notify customers of such measures, including withdrawal of consent and destruction of personal information.
2) The Website shall take necessary measures to ensure that customers withdraw their consent (membership) to the collection of their information through an easier method than what they used to give their consent to the method of collecting personal information.

Article 9 Measures for Ensuring the Security of Personal Information
The Website shall take technological/administrative/physical measures required for ensuring the security of personal information in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
1. Encryption of personal information
Users’ personal information, including passwords, is stored and managed and is only known to the users who own that information. Important data is secured with separate features, such as the encryption and locking of files and transmitted data.
2. Technological measures against hacking
The Website shall install, regularly update, and check security porgrams to ensure that personal information is not leaked and damaged due to hacking or computer viruses. It shall also install systems in areas to which access from the outside is controlled, as well as technologically/physically inspect and block such areas.

Article 10 Protection of Personal Information of Children under Fourteen Years of Age
The Website deems the protection of children’s personal information in online environments to be also important. It does not allow children under fourteen years of age who require the consent of their legal counsel to apply for membership. If such childern sign up for the Website or provide their personal information due to the theft of their names and information or abuse of systems, then their legal counsels may exercise all rights.

Article 11 Chief Privacy Officer
The Website appoints the following chief privacy officer who is responsible for the handling of personal information and the handling of customers’ complaints regarding personal information and damage reliefs.

▶ Chief Privacy Officer
- Name: *required to be revised”
- Title: *required to be revised”
- Job grade: *required to be revised”
- Contact point: *required to be revised”

Article 12 Modification of the Guideline on Personal Information Processing
This guideline on personal information processing shall take effect on its effective date. Any addition of change under statutes and this guideline, and deletion and correction of anything in this guideline shall be announced via notices seven (7) days prior to the effectuation of such addition, deletion, or correction.

M&A Advisory

Pupscale Accounting Firm provides expert M&A advisory services. We conduct a thorough evaluation, including financial, legal, and market analyses, offering insights into a company's strengths and weaknesses. This empowers businesses to make well-informed strategic decisions, especially regarding M&A, backed by professional expertise and reliable information.

Q. What is the M&A process?
The M&A process starts with an initial meeting to grasp the client's strengths and develop an M&A strategy. It involves identifying the company's strengths to maximize its value. The process includes creating an IM, networking, exploring acquisitions, negotiations, due diligence, and finalizing the deal.

Q. Can small and medium-sized companies engage in M&A? 

M&A is feasible for businesses of varying sizes, even those with limited sales and staff. It's important to note that smaller M&As by small and medium-sized companies might not receive substantial attention from larger accounting firms. Local firms, on the other hand, might lack the required expertise. Our focus is on empowering startups to increase their value and achieve successful deals.

Q. How is a company valued for M&A? To secure potential underwriters for an M&A, it involves calculating future projections based on business plans, analyzing historical data, and identifying financial upside from an expert perspective. A convincing valuation is reached by examining similar cases and applying methods such as EBITDA multiples or DCF to persuade potential underwriters.

Q. Is security adequately ensured during the M&A process?

In the company's M&A procedure, prioritizing security is paramount. This involves setting up a confidentiality agreement (NDA) with potential acquirers and maintaining thorough internal security measures throughout the M&A journey.

Q. How is the investment due diligence process carried out?

In a specific M&A negotiation with a potential acquirer, due diligence is vital to minimize risks before the acquisition agreement. It typically covers business, legal, financial, and tax aspects. We assist in providing essential data to the external due diligence team and support addressing any inquiries.

Q. We've acquired a company, can you provide support for post-acquisition activities?

Success in M&A goes beyond acquiring a company at a favorable price; it also involves post-acquisition growth. PMI is key to a successful M&A. Pupscale, through its virtual finance service, serves as a CFO, managing budget performance and offering financial insights to drive the company's growth and decision-making.


We offer professional business services, 

allowing your company to concentrate on growth.

The name of the website 'Pupscale Accounting Corporation' (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), I have read the following information and agree to provide my personal information collected by the Service to a third party as follows.

1. Person who receives personal information
Pupscale Accounting Corporation

2. Items provided
Name, Contact, E-mail

3. Purpose of using personal information of recipient

4. Period of holding and using personal information of person receiving personal information

Personal information shall be retained and used during the period of providing the service and destroyed so that the personal information of the person concerned can not be viewed or used when the user terminates the service (withdrawal of membership). However, the following cases shall be excluded.
If it is determined separately by the Act,

5. The customer has the right to refuse consent to the provision of personal information to third parties, and there is no disadvantage to the refusal of consent. However, the service will not be available or the service will be restricted according to the purpose of using the service.

6. General information regarding the handling of personal information that is not listed above is subject to the service's privacy policy. I fully understand, understand and agree to my consent to the provision of this personal information to third parties.

펍스케일 회계법인 | 사업자 등록번호 : 847-87-02989   

TEL : 02-999-6010   FAX : 02-6455-7017

E-mail : pupscale@pupscaleacc.co.kr   

주소 : 서울특별시 성동구 무학로 8-3, 2F

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